"It was November 2020 when I accepted the General Housekeeper position at Froedtert Hospital – in the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic. But it was an opportunity for me to work for an organization with a great reputation in the community while I finish my degree in Information Technology, and it is a job I knew that I could do very well."

"I clean and sanitize patient rooms and living spaces. It’s important work because it allows the nurses and doctors to focus on their tasks and provide care to our patients. That is why we are all here. I’m proud of how all the different teams work together to do our best at this."

"I served in the military for 12 years, in the U.S. Army Signal Corps. While doing IT and field communications in the Army, I worked in compromised environments. In the military, we call it “NBC,” which stands for areas where nuclear, biological or chemical warfare may be present. I had to wear protective gear in those situations, so working in the hospital during the pandemic and wearing all of the personal protective equipment is something I feel comfortable with."

"Even though I’m not a caregiver, the best part of my day is connecting with patients. I see familiar faces every week, and I’m happy to chat with people about the weather, news or sports. I think it helps patients feel more at home, especially with visitor restrictions in place. If a patient needs something from the nurse and the nurse is busy, I wait with them if I can. Sometimes, having company when you don’t feel well can be calming."

– Ian-Devon Lewis – General Housekeeper, Environmental Services

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Rebecca Shafer

As an Environmental Services Technician, I refused to furlough during covid 19, I also refuse to do so now. My job is a joy to me and knowing that I am helping in my own small way to help our colleagues and patients by keeping the hospital clean and disinfected is important to my.

Laurie DeMoss

Bless you, Ian-Devon Lewis, and thank you for your caring, generous heart in keeping the environment in patient rooms and family waiting areas sanitized, and made into a welcoming, clean and safe place for everyone. Our family has affiliated with Froedtert for 37 years now, (previously as Milwaukee County Medical Complex and Doyne Hospital), and you exemplify the highest of professional standards and concern for patients that we have witnessed throughout decades. You are truly special, and thank you for caring for people in all the ways that you do. May God Bless You richly,
Sincerely, The DeMoss Family

Sheila Anderson

Great work.
Heroes in everyday life.