When young adults with sickle cell disease transfer their medical care to the adult service, they may find it hard to understand all that is expected of them. Our program empowers adolescents with sickle cell disease to effectively transition to adult care. The E.A.S.E. (Empower Adolescents with Sickle Cell Disease to Effectively Transition) program is part of the adult Sickle Cell Clinic at Froedtert Hospital and helps prepare patients for their new role as independent adults.

Areas of Transition to Adult Care

The E.A.S.E program educates patients on the five areas of transition:

  1. Medical
  2. Emotional/Psychological
  3. Social/Recreation
  4. Health Benefits
    • Insurance
    • SSI (Supplemental Security Income)
    • Medical consent
  5. Education/Occupation
    • Work plans
    • School plans
E.A.S.E Transition Program FAQs


What to Expect from the Transition Program


The E.A.S.E. program is for patients ages 18-25. Discussions of transition should begin at age 16 with your pediatric doctor.

The goal of transition is to provide health care that is:

  • Uninterrupted
  • Coordinated
  • Comprehensive
  • Developmentally appropriate

The transition program last about a year. You will begin by visiting once a month for the first year. To begin the program, you will receive the following.

  • Meet and greet: You'll meet the sickle cell team and tour the facility. Parents and guardians are welcome to attend.
    • During the meet and greet, patients will receive a transition guidebook of information and resources to help them transition into the adult care setting successfully.
  • A more in-depth educational session on everything you need to know about moving to adult care and services. This education day is for patients only.

How Does Adult Care Differ From Pediatric Care?

Transitioning from pediatric to adult sickle cell health care is a big step, because it means learning to take care of your own health.

Pediatric Adult
Parents in charge You are now in charge
Parents do the talking You talk to the doctor
Care monitored by parents and health care providers You are responsible for monitoring and reporting concerns
Appointments are scheduled by your parents You schedule your appointments
Support services are offered for financial and emotional issues You must seek out support based on your needs
Your parents are responsible for finances and payment You are responsible for finances and payment
Your parents have insurance or health benefits You must have your own insurance or health benefits
Transportation to your appointments is provided or arranged by an adult You must provide or arrange your own transportation
Your parents call for refills You must call for your medication refills

Sickle Cell Disease Transition FAQs

  • The transition program lasts about a year. 

  • You will begin by visiting once a month for the first year, and depending on how well you are doing, you may change to every other month. 

  • The E.A.S.E. Program is held on the 1st floor of Froedtert Hospital in Conference Room H. Location can change and patients will be notified in advance if this should occur. 

  • To RSVP, contact a social worker by calling 414-805-3055. Flyers for the program will be mailed to patients, displayed in the adult Sickle Cell Clinic and also in the pediatric Sickle Cell Clinic at Children's Wisconsin.

  • Yes, parents are welcome at the meet and greet. The education day is just for patients. 

  • You will be greeted by the nurse coordinator and a social worker at the meet and greet. During the meet and greet, you will meet the entire sickle cell team. On education day you will only see the nurse coordinator and a social worker.

  • The meet and greet is where you get a chance to meet the sickle cell team, tour the facility, ask questions and receive a book bag full of goodies. The meet and greet will last approximately an hour and a half.

  • The purpose of the education day is to provide information, ideas, tools and resources to help you develop skill sets required to navigate the adult health care setting.