Critical Care Pharmacist; PGY2 Critical Care Pharmacy Residency Program Coordinator

Focus Area

Medical ICU

Rotation(s) Precepted

Medical ICU

Pharmacy School/Graduation Year

Concordia University Wisconsin, 2016

Residency Training Program Location/Year

  • PGY1 at Froedtert & the Medical College of Wisconsin, 2016-17
  • PGY2 in Critical Care at Froedtert & the Medical College of Wisconsin, 2017-18

Professional Interests

Critical care, pulmonary embolism, COVID-19, ARDS, precepting

Organizational Involvement

  • SCCM
  • PSW




  • Zein Eddine SB, Cooper-Johnson K, Ericksen F, Brookes CC, Peppard WJ, Revolinski SL, Carver TW. Antibiotic Duration and Outcome Complications for Surgical Site Infection Prevention in Traumatic Mandible Fracture. J Surg Res. 2019 Oct 23.
  • Cooper-Johnson KA, Dailey LM, Werner SM. Management of Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome in Adults: Treatment Options and the Pharmacist’s Role. The Journal of PSW. 2017 November/December; 52-58.


  • Evaluation of tPA for Pulmonary Embolism at an Academic Medical Center
  • Evaluation of unfractionated heparin titration protocol
  • Pharmacist interventions associated with cost avoidance in the intensive care unit
  • Short versus extended antibiotic duration for surgical site infection prevention in traumatic mandibular fracture
  • Evaluation of the pharmacokinetic impact of continuous renal replacement therapy
  • Dobutamine-induced tachyarrhythmia in patients on chronic beta-blockers
  • Evaluation of a pharmacist-driven fluoroquinolone stewardship program


Golfing, crossword puzzles, sailing/boating, reading

Favorite Things to Do in Milwaukee

Brewers games, pub trivia, beer gardens, seeing traveling Broadway musicals